Thursday, December 10, 2009

Gods' Love

This morning on my way to work. I was thinking about what it means to be loved by God. Doesn't it seem to be the hardest thing to grasp? It is infinite in depth, infinite in height, infinite in length and in width. With such a great expanse of love for us, I can hardly grasp how much I am loved by the creator of the universe.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Psalm 119:121

I have done judgment and justice: leave me not to mine oppressors.

It was never easy giving an F to a student. In fact, if there were any way around it, Jill would have taken it. Most of the time the student was willing to do anything to avoid the bad mark. Garrett was another case. She had offered to tutor him, she had given him extra-credit work to do, and she had taken all kinds of extra time with him. Through it all he had just blown her off, ignoring her attempts to help and mocking her to his friends. He had ripped up notes she had written to his parents, and he forged his parents' signature on his report cards. Jill had contacted Garrett's parents, but they were too busy to come in. Now, however, with a F in hand, the parents were coming, and they were looking to pick a fight.

Doing what is right is not all that easy. When we dedicate ourselves to justice, we must be ready to face the wrath of all those who don't see things the same way we do. God loves justice and righteousness, and we need to remember that He is ever on the side of what is right. He will be with us when we face persecution for righteousness' sake. Rely on Him.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Amos 7:7,8

The Lord was standing by a vertical wall, with a plumb line in His hand. And the Lord said to me, "What do you see, Amos?"...Then the Lord said, "Behold I am about to put a plumb line in the midst of My people Israel."

"The strength of a nation," said Abraham Lincoln, "lies in the homes of its people." In other words, the state of the union is determined by the state of the marriage union-the condition of our nation's marriages, families and homes.

By what yardstick can we accurately measure how our homes are doing? The prophet Amos stood by a wall that was straight or "plumb" according to God's own measure. That is the measure we need to apply to our homes and our nation.

Yet, even as far back as 1947, historian Carle Zimmerman wrote a chilling account of the factors that he said have led to the ultimate collapse of a civilization. In those ruins he found that marriage had lost its sacredness and was frequently broken by divorce. Women lost their inclination for childbearing, and the birth rate decreased. There was public disrespect for parents, parenthood and authority in general.

He also found that there had been an increase in juvenile delinquency, promiscuity and rebellion. Even people with traditional marriages refused to accept family responsibilities. Adultery was increasingly accepted. There was an increasing desire for, and spread of, sexual perversions of all kinds, including homosexuality.

Think about Zimmerman's study as you look at the state of our country today. Half of all new marriages now end in divorce. The birth rate has declined. Juvenile delinquency, sexual perversion and promiscuity are rampant.

Why is this happening? Because the state of the union is determined by the state of the marriage union. Are we destined to follow in the footsteps of cultures that have fallen because of all this? Our only hope is to rebuild the walls of both the home and the nation according to God's plumb line.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Psalm 95:8

Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness.

Edgar was being a brat. Whenever Edgar didn't get his way, he was a brat. As if a secret button had been pushed, the minute Edgar heard the word no, he began to whine, kick, scream, stomp, pout, throw things, and cry. After that, he would do nothing that was asked of him. He became stubborn and rebellious. At those times, everyone just backed off and left Edgar alone. Who wants to be too close to a brat?

Sometimes we're brats. We don't get things the way we want them, so we pout and harden our hearts toward God. God is patient with us, but sometimes He has to put some distance between us until we settle down. God doesn't want to deal with our bratiness any more than we want to deal with the bratiness of children. In time, we learn to deal with our disappointments, and like children, we finally learn that pouting gets us nowhere.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Romans 12:1

I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.

Nearly every week, you can pick up a newspaper or magazine, or watch a television show, focusing on the distressing social problems we face in our nation. CBS devotes an entire evening of prime-time television to a look at violence in America...Newsweek magazine runs a cover story on battered wives...Time reports that nearly half of Americans are worried "a lot" about our economy, and 89 percent think the crime problem is getting worse.

But let me ask you this: How often do you hear about workable solutions to these problems?

I think the apostle Paul hints at the most practical solution of all in Romans 12:1 when he urges us to "present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God."

Large social problems will end when they are solved, not in the halls of government, but in the hallways of homes across America. In short, change will occur when Christians get serious about their relationship with God and live out their values and priorities in the family.

Change will come when dads get down on their knees and ask their wives and children to forgive them when they make an error. It will come when men take responsibility for their families and don't expect the Church to do it for them. It will come when men say, "I will lead my home."

Change will come when more women decide to make motherhood a greater priority than careers. It will come when more children are raised with godly character by parents who are involved in their lives.

We have been called to proclaim Christ, to obey Him as we make an imprint on our society. To give ourselves as a "living and holy sacrifice" to God means we will allow nothing to come between us and Him-that we will live in obedience to His will no matter what the cost.

And if enough families begin living holy lives, making right choices, loving one another-America will experience a family reformation.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

1 Peter 2:9

You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

We've been picked to be on God's team, and we were picked first! We have an important role to play in the unfolding of the world's history. We're here to declare God's praises to those who don't know him so they can find his marvelous light and leave their world of darkness.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Process of Forgiving

Matthew 6:9-15

Forgiving those who have seriously hurt us is one of our most challenging "assignments." And merely having a desire to obey God or saying the right words
does not necessarily accomplish the task. Old memories and pain can steal back into the mind, stirring up emotions of anger and injustice.

Though we have a responsibility to take the initiative soon after suffering harm, forgiveness for deep hurts is a process. Begin immediately to prevent a root of bitterness from developing. But remember: The deeper the hurt, the more time it will take to work through forgiveness. Never become discouraged--the Lord will walk with you each step of the way.

Confession to God is the beginning of the process. Come before Him, admitting any resentment and acknowledging it as sin. As you lay your anger and hurt before the Lord, let Him begin to heal your broken heart.

Sometimes the process can also involve going to the offender and confessing your sinful attitude toward him. This is a time not to build your case or itemize his wrongs but simply to admit your own. Although the offense against you may seem greater than your unforgiving attitude, avoid the temptation to "rank" sins. And leave judgment to God.

Forgiveness brings freedom from the agitation that accompanies resentment. In working through the process, you'll begin to see the one who hurt you through eyes of compassion. Eventually, you will be able to thank God for the opportunity to learn forgiveness and live in His lavish grace.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Psalm 124:7

Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are expected.

Clifford was a strange man. He served his country in Vietnam and spent three years as a prisoner of war. While a prisoner, he amazed his companions by never complaining about their situation. In fact, when questioned about it, he smiled and said, "I'm not really here, anyway." Once Cliff returned to the States, he shared what he had meant. Each day he sat against the stone wall and began listing in his mind all the places he had ever been that he had loved. He pictured those places, and he selected a different one every day. In his mind he journeyed to the beloved spots and he turned off the reality around him.

As Christians, we need to do the same thing. We're not from here. Our true home is with God in heaven. When the reality around us gets too intense and hard to handle, we should turn our thoughts to God. We can be liberated from the trap if we will only call upon the Lord. God offers us a way to escape the harshness of our earthly life by entering into quiet time with H im. Reach out. His peace awaits.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Forgiveness-Can we give it?

I was thinking this morning about the concept of forgiveness. God has provided ultimate forgiveness for those who have accepted Christs sacrifice. Can we who say that we are his representatives here on earth, can we forgive others the same way? Can we forgive an offense 7 x 70 as Jesus said? How do you feel about being both forgiven and providing the same measure of grace to the one who has offended you?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Psalm 122:1

"I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord."

Mike and Jerry were neighbors for about five months when one day Jerry asked Mike to play golf with him on a bright, beautiful Sunday morning. Mike graciously declined, asking for a raincheck. Jerry invited Mike on a couple more Sundays, but Mike always refused. Jerry asked him why, and Mike told him that he went to church. After that, Jerry didn't ask again, on Sunday or any other day of the week. Mike finally asked Jerry why, and he replied, "I asked you to go with me three times to do something that was really important to me, but you never once asked me to go to church with you."

Mike never thought that Jerry might like to go to church. Too often we shy away from asking people because we don't want to seem pushy. But the Lord asks that we work diligently to bring people to Him. Often people do not go to church simply because they feel awkward and have never been asked. Share your faith. Ask someone to church with you. You never know what might happen.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

James 1:19

But let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.

Paul Tournier, the Swiss psychiatrist, advised husbands and wives to be preoccupied with listening in their marriages. Unfortunately, unlike our text, we are usually slow to listen, quick to speak and even quicker to become angry. Most of us don't need hearing aids; we just need aid in hearing.

The first step to really hear each other is to focus on the person speaking. Sometimes my kids are waiting for me when I come home after a hard day's work, and they try in vain to get my attention. Finally, Barbara will say, "Children, it would be better to talk to your dad in a few minutes, but not right now. He isn't home yet."

"Yes, he is," they'll exclaim. "He's right here."

"Yes, we know he's right here, but he doesn't know it yet. Be a little patient with him."

And sure enough, she's right. After I have a few minutes to relax, I can usually give focused attention.

Active listening helps to focus. To practice active listening, try sending back messages of empathy that let your spouse know you are trying to put yourself in his or her shoes. Don't try to evaluate or offer a lot of advice. Just reflect what you hear being communicated, showing that you're interested in what your spouse is feeling.

Once you establish communication with your mate through focused attention and active listening, you can seek clarification by asking questions. Questions are like crowbars that dislodge thoughts and emotions from another person's heart. But you have to use those crowbars deftly and gently.

Asking the right questions is particularly valuable if you're married to a person who is reserved and has a hard time opening up. And when you're disagreeing at even the mildest level, use questions to focus on clarifying valid points rather than defending yourself against what you feel are incorrect accusations.

Focus on finding the truth rather than gaining indictments. Ask questions to gain understanding, not to make judgments.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Proverbs 16:31

A gray head is a crown of glory; it is found in the way of righteousness.

Do you want your children to regard you as wise when you are older?

Do you want them to listen to you when you're as old as your parents are now?

Your children are watching you, and will follow your model. If you aren't honoring your own parents, then you run the risk of having your children do the same to you.

In the same way, if you casually dishonor your parents, your kids may dishonor you.

The story is told of a wealthy widower who left his property to his only son and daughter-in-law on one condition-he would be allowed to live in the country with them for the rest of his life:

After a few years, when the inheritance had been spent, the daughter-in-law got tired of having the elderly gentleman around and told her husband he would have to leave. The son agreed and broke the news to his father.

A short time later he and the feeble old man walked down the dusty road to a state-supported home for senior citizens. Being very unsteady on his feet, the father finally asked if he could rest for a few moments on a sawed-off stump to regain his strength for the last mile of the journey.

As he sat there, he suddenly put his head in his hands and began to sob. The son, pricked in his conscience, tried to make excuses. Finally, the father controlled himself enough to say, "I'm not crying so much because I'm going to this lonely home for the poor and unfortunate. I'm weeping because of my own sins. Forty years ago I walked down this road with my father and brought him to the very same place. I am now seeing the results of the evil deeds I have sown!"

The saying goes, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." The example you set for your children in honoring your parents will actually help determine your own future.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Psalm 119:105

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Nick and Davy thought it would be fun to explore deeper in the cave. When they saw their chance, they separated from the rest of their class and headed down a corridor that was roped off. They walked on through twisting and turning shafts until they were no longer sure how to get back. They stood in total darkness, feeling the cavern close in around them. Just as they verged on panic, Davy looked down and noticed a fine, dim glow. Phosphorescent stone was embedded in the cave floor, and it cast off a dull shine. By following the path of light, the boys made it back to the safety of the well-lit shafts.

Darkness can close in around us quickly in this world today. It seems to be getting darker all the time. However, we are recipients of the light that cannot be put out and will never fade away. The Word of God will guide us through even the darkest times, and He will be close by to comfort us in time of trouble. Rely upon the light of the Lord.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Proverbs 29:25

Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.

Fear is such a paralyzing emotion. It robs us vitality, decision-making ability, and strength. Courage helps us step out of fear's paralysis and turn its nervous edge into power. But this kind of courage comes to us fully only when we know that all that Satan and his allies can really have of us is our bodies. He cannot take our mind, our attitude, our faith, and most of all, he cannot take our relationship with God, given to us through Jesus.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I have been an affiliate for the past 3-4 months. I am waiting patiently for the fruit of my patience.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Psalm 119:2

Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.

"I don't have time. I can slip in a prayer now and then, but I really can't commit to Bible study, or even church."

Terri was so busy that she didn't have time to spare for God. When times got tough, she couldn't understand why her faith didn't do her more good. Unfortunately, faith will not do more for a person than that person allows it to. We will benefit from our faith in proportion to how much we are willing to put in. God is waiting to spend time with us, to help us develop our faith. Seek Him with your whole heart, and He will richly bless you.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ephesians 5:8

You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.

Before and after -- that's the story of grace. "I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see." If we could only fully grasp what we so easily sing then life would be filled with more grace and our churches with more confident servants of God.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Affiliate Marketing

Just a short note to all who read this blog. I am beginning the process of writing an E-book on the subject of Affiliate Marketing from my experiences. I will be ready to publish this manual in about 2 weeks. If you are interested in purchasing this E-book at that time please contact me @ I will give you the link to my website when it is available.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Psalm 113:2

Blessed by the name of the Lord from this time forth and for evermore.

Jimmy had heard it all before, but this time there was something different. Though he couldn't quite put his finger on it, suddenly the idea of relationship with Jesus Christ made perfect sense. Before, he had missed the logic, somehow. The image of being born again was so appropriate. A part of Jimmy felt like it had never lived. From this day forward, his life was going to be different. He wasn't sure how it would change, he simply knew nothing would ever really be the same again.

At various times in our lives, the reality of Christ will come crashing through the ordinariness of our days. From those times we face life anew; changed at the very core of our being. We move forward in a new, deeper, strengthened relationship with the Lord.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Internet Marketing Video Training-WOW!!!

I was browsing the web earlier and I stumbled upon this Awesome Opportunity. You can sign up for FREE. Then you can purchase the the website materials for this opportunity for $59.99. I've got mine-Get Yours. Hurry, I hope that there isn't a limit!!

Cut and paste this link into your browser (

Isaiah 48:17

This is what the Lord says -- your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go."

I sometimes long for the pillar of fire at night and the cloud by day to guide me as I make my way through this world. But I am reminded of God's abiding presence in the Spirit and his promise to never forsake me. I believe that if I seek his glory he will get me where I need to be to do his will.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Psalm 109:17

As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him.

The young tennis star was known both for his fiery play and his fiery language. Whereas he excelled in the mastery of the game, he had not yet matured in the art of sportsmanlike conduct. His wrath was vented each time he disagreed with the umpire's call. He cursed, stomped, screamed, and kicked. Never was he known to back down and admit his own fault. In time, he lost even his own following of fans, because they tired of his childish outbursts.

People who live by selfish emotions find themselves empty and alone most of the time. Their bitterness causes them to curse their life, their friends, their God. Finally, they find it nearly impossible to utter any kind words at all. Those people will not find blessing in their own lives, because they refuse to bring it to others' lives. It is a fact that the blessing we share is the blessing that comes back to us. Likewise, the curse we impart comes back on us, to make us unhappy and guilty.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Psalm 95:6-7

Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.

Worship is more than our heart, soul, and words offered to God. It's our posture. When we understand the grace he has given us to be called his children, what else can we do but bow down. We come to him as a conquering ruler in full submission, and he chooses to treat us tenderly, like a loving shepherd.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Psalm 119:137

Righteous art Thou, O Lord, and upright are Thy judgments.

In Scripture we see two sides to God: One is His loving, compassionate, caring side. He is the God who created us and made the supreme sacrifice to offer us eternal life.

Then there is the God of holiness, the God of wrath; the God who judges sin.

I'm afraid the Church today has lost the balance on the teeter-totter between these two sides to God's nature. Too often we emphasize His love and forget that He is just and righteous; He will not tolerate sin.

I don't think we talk enough today about sin and its consequences. The Bible tells us the penalty for sin is hell. These are not popular concepts in our culture of tolerance.

Hell isn't in style today because it represents a couple of things that are repugnant. It represents accountability to someone in authority, and we want to avoid authority. And it represents absolute eternal judgment. We have a difficult time believing that such a place could exist, and we don't want to really believe that everlasting punishment and torment is a reality. And when we no longer see the eternal retribution of our sins, we lose any urgency for repenting of those sins.

So we don't talk much about hell to our children, extended family or our friends.

But hell is real.

To the Greeks, the distance between the bull's-eye and where the arrow hit was known as "the sin." It meant to fall short of the ideal. To sin means to "miss the mark."

God is patient, but He is not tolerant. He is holy. His justice calls for an atonement (a payment, a penalty) for man's sins. Our children must have some understanding that their sins can keep them out of heaven. Their sins must be paid for. And that is what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Matthew 6:33

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.

The stereotype of the executive in the three-piece pinstriped suit working long hours to make it to the top has been around for decades, but his female counterpart is a more recent development. Today, a growing number of men and women are more devoted to their careers than they are to their families. The siren call of careerism lures us away from intimacy and oneness.

Magazines carry articles on husbands and wives who pursue careers with brilliance, energy and drive. Somewhere in the article the wife mentions that she would like to have a child, but her career has been her all-consuming passion. Or she will lament the fact that she has to leave a small baby in some kind of day care situation while she zooms off to catch a jet to the next sales conference. These articles make these couples sound content, chic, sophisticated and totally fulfilled. In a word, they seem to have it all.

We seldom think of careerism as an "affair." But it is. What is an affair? It is breaking your marriage vows and giving yourself to someone or something else-a person, a career or material possessions.

Ironically, careers can be cruel lovers. In the end this kind of love affair is very unfulfilling. There is always another mountain to climb, another business victory to pursue; it's a life void of meaningful relationships. Those who put career above family are rarely satisfied. They are tragically addicted to riding the corporate escalator, and with no way to get off. They must ride it all the way to the top-only to find that at the top it's lonely.

Meanwhile, back at home the fires are slowly going out...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Psalm 107:2, 3

Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy; And gathered them out of the lands, from the east and from the west, from the north, and from the south.

The missionaries were prepared to share the Word of God with the natives of the small isle off the North Africa coast. They were well stocked with crosses and Bibles, and they had become well versed in the native tongue. Nothing, however, prepared them for the shock when they deplaned and were greeted by a band of natives singing out, "God bless you; Jesus loves you!"

The reality of God has spread to the four corners of our globe. Voices sing out His praises continually, and it is often true that our poorer brothers and sisters have the clearest and loudest voices. We can learn a great deal from those people who live day to day in the shadow of poverty, who truly understand how fortunate they are to be alive. Let every woman, man and child sing forth in praise to God. He has been good to us all.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Psalm 106:43

Many times did he deliver them; but they provoked him with their counsel, and were brought low for their iniquity.

The agent folded his arms and shook his head. The offer was totally unacceptable. He wanted his ball player to receive top dollar. The team owners conferred and made another offer substantially higher than their previous one. Still the agent held out. To his dismay, the owners threw up their hands in disgust and closed the talks. The ball player would not play; the owners would look elsewhere.

Greed causes so many problems. We only want a little bit more, but each time we take a little, we leave less for others. God gives great things to His people, but when they continually look for ways to get more, then He is not so free to give. There are too many people who will appreciate what the Lord has to give. God will bring low those who try to take more than their share. His love is freely given, but it is given to be shared, not taken advantage of.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Bestbuy, Look here for SAVINGS!!!

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In the last 2 weeks I have had a fascination with articles. I was told that writing articles will be of a great benefit. I would like to continue writing them so that I can be better prepared in the future when I plan to write books.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

$100 Price Drop on PS3

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Psalm 104:24

Lord, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.

Timmy did not want to go on the science field trip. Science was so boring. They were going to climb around on rocks and look for fossils of animals dead a half a million years. Big deal! Nothing could interest Timmy less.

Then, an amazing thing happened. Timmy was one of the first to find fossilized remains. He held the rock in his hands and traced the fragile trilobite fossil with his finger. He was enthralled by the sight, and a new love was born in Tim's heart. Timmy saw the earth as a treasure house of wonders too magnificent to understand.

We ought to take time to study this wonderful world of ours. There is so much to behold. God has done so many wonderful things, and He has given them over to us to enjoy. Search out the riches of God's world, and you will never be poor.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Affiliate Site

I also have a website for you to signup to start your own affiliate Website.
You are given the tools to start your own step by step online business.
Use clickbank...

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Celebrate "Back to School" with NERO

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New Project

For everyone who visits this blog, I have set up a new web page with a product for you to buy. It is a tutorial and training series to learn to use the Internet to make money to be more independant. You can see it at Come by anytime

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

DollarDays are here Again!


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Psalm 103:2

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.

Clarence sat on his bed, pouting. His parents wouldn't let him go to the rock concert on a school night. He hated them sometimes for being so unfair. He hardly ever got what he wanted. He'd had to beg for his computer, and they had waited a whole year from the time he asked for his own VCR until they gave it to him. They made him come home from tennis camp a week early to go on a family vacation to Europe. Now the skis he bought last year had scratches on them, and his parents didn't act all that interested in replacing them. It just wasn't fair. Clarence wished he could have his own way at least some of the time.

Are we more thankful for what we have than we are bitter for what we have not? God has given us so much. Remember to praise Him for all He had done. Set aside the Clarence inside, and appreciate all that has been given. It is given in love.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Comp USA-Deals


Psalm 46:1

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Where can we go when all the walls fall and all the armies crumble and all hope is lost? To the eternal God, who is our Father. He preserved Israel through the most difficult of times, protected the Bible from those who would eradicate it, and has led his Church through troubles and triumphs through the centuries. He will do the same with us until he brings us home to himself.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Psalm 99:9

Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at his holy hill; for the Lord our God is holy.

Betty loved the old church. She had come to its sanctuary since she had been a young girl, and that was a long time gone, indeed. The place was special. Betty had always been filled with awe whenever she stood in the church. From the moment she entered the door, she felt God's presence. This church was a holy place. She felt closest to God when she felt the special magic of the old church. It was easy to worship God there.

We need reminders to help us understand God's holiness. Truly, only He is worthy to be praised, and yet we so often act as if there's nothing special about God at all. There is no life in our prayers, we decided to skip church, or we ignore opportunities to share Christ with those around us. Our actions say, "No big deal." It is a big deal. God is the biggest deal of our lives. Everything we do should exalt the Lord and show others just how important He is to us. Anytime we can experience the holiness and majesty of the Lord, we should jump at the chance. Nothing pleases God more.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

IWon Link-Check This out

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Psalm 119:130

The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.

Sometimes the right path is not so difficult to find, we just need to know where to begin our search -- the reading of God's words. The right way is very seldom just the property of the bright, wise, and scholarly. It is very clear if we will but look for it!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

HostGator-Visit and Signup!!!

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Monday, August 3, 2009

1 Samuel 16:7

The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

Have you ever wondered how many friends you may have lost simply by judging them on their first appearance or impression? I'm amazed at how the first impression very seldom tells us much of substance about another. We're not really going to be able to evaluate people properly until the Lord reveals at judgment what is really in their heart. Don't you think that we should give them time for their heart to show before we make a decision about them, too?!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Help Protect Preborn Life!!!

We've been hearing about President Obama's health care plan for weeks now, and it's clear we need health care reform. Too often we hear from families who have had their finances devastated by a serious illness or loss of health care coverage.

Congress is currently considering a bill to 'reform' health care, but, the fact is, the current version of the plan would actually hurt families by requiring them to pay for abortions through their tax dollars and their private insurance premiums. Not only that, but it would deny health care workers their rights of conscience to not participate in or perform abortions.

While congressional leaders have told their constituents that abortion is not included in the current healthcare reform bill, we know that if abortion is not specifically excluded, it will be required to the fullest extent possible. So far, every effort to explicitly remove abortion and include conscience protections for healthcare workers has been shot down.

Upholding the sanctity of human life is one of the pillars--the most foundational principles--of this ministry. Thousands of lives have been saved through our Option Ultrasound program, which provides ultrasound machines to pregnancy medical centers across the country so pregnant women can see their preborn babies.

If this health care bill is passed as it's currently written, we believe that this will be the biggest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade, and the pro-life cause will be set back years.

Will you prayerfully consider joining us in our efforts to preserve life, from conception to natural death, by making a donation to Focus on the Family? Your gift--whether a one-time or recurring gift--will help protect preborn life. To make a recurring gift, which allows us to best plan our efforts, select "Monthly" in the Frequency pull-down menu on our online donation page.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Matthew 5:14-16

[Jesus said] "You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."

Our life will not be neutral. We will either point others away from God or show them that allegiance to God is important. Let's make an intentional effort today to shine the light of God's holiness and grace in all we do and say.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

California Alert: Legislature Considers Anti-Family Bills During Budget Crisis

The California Legislature is currently considering three Senate bills that threaten California families. Meanwhile, the state faces a mounting $26 billion budget deficit.

California has begun issuing IOU notes for only the second time since the Great Depression. Rather than concentrating on the state budget, however, lawmakers are moving on three bills that undermine marriage and parental authority. SB 54, SB 543, and SB 572 have already passed the state Senate and are now before the Assembly.

The first bill (SB 54) requires California to validate out-of-state same-sex marriages performed before the passage of Proposition 8, which defines marriage as between one man and one woman. The second (SB 543) permits kids as young as twelve to receive mental health treatment without the knowledge or consent of their parents. And the third (SB 572) designates May 22 as Harvey Milk Day and encourages schools to include "commemorative exercises" honoring Milk, one of the first openly homosexual politicians.

Everett Rice, legislative coordinator for California Family Council, said all three bills are a direct assault on California families. "SB 54 disregards voters, the courts, and the constitution itself on the issue of marriage," he noted. "And SB 543 and SB 572 are just further examples of our legislators choosing special interests over parents and their children."


Please help defend marriage and parental authority in California! Contact your state assembly member and ask him or her to oppose SB 54, SB 543, and SB 572. To find out who your assembly member is and to contact them on these bills, visit the California Family Council's Legislative Action Center.

Psalm 95:1

O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

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Psalm 101:3

/I will set no worthless thing before my eyes; I hate the work of those
who fall away; it shall not fasten its grip on me.


Psalm 94:20

/Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which
frameth mischief by a law?/

What a minister does on his day off is his business Reverend Gray
was fuming. Members of his church had seen him go into a casino and
bar on his day off, and now the entire congregation was in an
uproar. He liked to fraternize with some regulars at the casino; old
friends from college days. There was nothing wrong with getting
together with old friends, and if a couple of coins hit the slots,
what was the harm? It was nobody's business but his own.

We need to be careful how we walk in our Christian lives. We are
examples to others of how Christ wants His people to be. That is the
big responsibility, and one that we must take very seriously. Our
business becomes the business of other people when it could possibly
affect their faith. Who we associate with matters very much to who
we want to be. It is good to remember that not only God watches the

Monday, July 27, 2009

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Psalm 119:60

/I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.

/Obedience is faith put into practice. Without action, our faith is not
real, James 2 reminds us. So without arguing, let's quickly obey, even
when we don't fully understand why, because we've seen God's love
demonstrated to us in Jesus and we've seen the protection that his will
has for us when we obey him.

Friday, July 24, 2009

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Nero Software-I use Nero Products everyday!!!!

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Hebrews 4:12-13

The Bible is the most amazing book ever written. God used human beings
to record His thoughts and words on paper so that we could know Him (2
Peter 1:20-21). The One who spoke the universe into existence still
speaks just as powerfully through the pages of the Bible that you hold
in your hands.

At the moment of salvation, believers receive the Holy Spirit, and the
lines of communication with the Lord are opened. Whenever the Scriptures
are read, the children of God are capable of hearing His voice, and the
Spirit enables them to understand and put into practice what they have

The Lord says His Word is so effective that it always accomplishes the
purpose for which He sends it (Isa. 55:10-11). The Bible is not just a
good book with comforting verses. It is active and alive and "performs
its work in [those] who believe" (1 Thess. 2:13). The Word of God has
the power to change our lives if we will believe Him and do what He says.

God uses Scripture to transform us from the inside out. His Word has the
quality of a sword that cuts through our hearts and judges thoughts and
intentions, delivering light to the darkness hiding in our souls. This
Book tells us not only who God is, but also who we are.

Sometimes life's concerns can deafen our spiritual "ears." Before
reading Scripture, ask God to help you hear and understand what He's
saying. As you believe and obey, your spiritual hearing will become more
acute, and your time in the Word will be an intimate conversation with
the Lord.

(James 3:5-6)

A lying tongue destroys trust in another person's word. Just one
conversation can do evil that will last a lifetime though the lying
tongue is */but for a moment. . . . Lying lips are abomination to the
Lord: but they that deal truly are His delight/* (12:19-22). */The
tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great
a matter a little fire kindleth! And the tongue is a fire, a world of
iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole
body, and . . . it is set on fire of hell/*

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Vitamin Suppliment-EmpowerPlus-3

The company that we purchase the supplement from also has people that you can talk to about the supplement and discern whether or not it would be of a value for you. I have found them to be honest people and they really are in the business of helping you not just pushing something on you that really has no value to the situation at hand.

Mark 9:37

Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

CheapOair Super Saver Airfare Deals Under $199. Book flights for Less Than $200!

Vitamin Suppliments-EmpowerPlus-2

In my previous blog I gave you the website for the vitamin supplement that my special needs child is taking. This child has been on this supplement for about 3 months. We are no longer giving any more drugs, and this child is more stable at present than when on drugs. At night when there is difficulty in getting to sleep we have bought an herb form to assist in getting to sleep when necessary. The supplement has done wonders and we can see the improvements not based on self will but in real life. A child with a mental illness can not will themselves to be better.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Click here for Natures Drugstore

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Twitter Tweet

Future Home

For any and all who will be following me here I am planning to start my own service website at My hope is that those who visit here will let me know how I can help them.

Vitamin Suppliments-EmpowerPlus

For those of you on the net looking for a possible and I think safe alternative to drugs. I would encourage you to investigate the product that we presently use for one of our special needs children. The product name is Empower Plus. If you look @ you will find the history behind this product and how this product helps special needs people.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Update-Empower Plus

In my next segment I will start talking more about the present. For a couple of years we have known that one of our adopted children has a mental illness. When we adopted the child we didn't know that this was an issue. Since the diagnosis, the child has been on a wide range of drugs for this illness, and none really or consistently provide relief. Several months ago I found a website that had multiple positive clips or videos concerning this ailment. My wife and I discussed the possibility of using the vitamin supplement in lieu of the drugs. We decided that since the drugs were of no benifit to our child that we would be willing to try it after all vitamins do not hurt the human body.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Babylon Affiliate Program-A Must See!!!〈=eng

Dollar Days R Here-Come and See


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The X's

To be fair to everyone involved in divorces, each side will have a or multiple complaints about their respective ex's. So to eliminate any confusion about events or to point fingers of guilt to any one individual, let's just use the line from "Seinfeld", Yada Yada Yada.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009




For the first few years of our marriage, life was difficult when it came to her child and my two. We had to contend with issues relating to visitation with the ex’s. This type of transition was very difficult for the children. It was very hard on us as well since we had to reassure the kids and comfort them after their visits. All three children lived with us full time.


We both have experienced broken homes. We both have been divorced. Her parents are still married, my parents divorced when I was very young. Both of my parents remarried, so I have experienced the broken home from both points of view.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

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My wife and I have been married for 18 years. We have learned a great deal about each other and ourselves. We are both Christians and we do our best to rear our children with our agreed values. I was raised in a home that had regular church attendance, she did not. It doesn’t mean that my parents were Christians or not, hers are not at least as of today.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Another Killer Product From Michael Jones.

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Today I want to talk about my need to be at home. As I have said in previous blogs we have adopted children. And both have special needs and my wife has faithfully been caring and educating them. They alone are hand fulls each, and my wife does need help with them. Plus she educated the 3 older children in the house as well. I would like to be home to help divide and conquer the children so that life at home flows smoother.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


To understand my blog I will need to tell you about the characters in my home. There is my Wife, Son 1, Daughter 1, Son 2, Daughter 2, Daughter 3, Daughter 4,Son 3 and Daughter 5. The 3 oldest children are adults and are living their own lives. These are the children that are the His and Hers of HHO&O. The next 3 girls are the first O in HHO&O, they are ours. The last two children are the last O in HHO&O they represent the Others in the slogan. Several years ago we adopted these two from the foster care system.


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To start off, I would like to say that my family is a melting pot to a certain degree. My wife and I have 8 children, we have His, Hers, Ours and Others, hence the HHO&O logo. Three of our children are adults making their own way in the world. We have five remaining so far and we have a long way to go before we are empty nesters.

Monday, July 6, 2009