Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Social Media Marketing Strategy

Have you ever questioned your business marketing strategy? In today’s world of social media, this question needs to have a legitimate answer. And to answer the question it needs to be revised to be “Does my marketing strategy include Social Media“?
With this question, I can now begin to plan a strategy that will build my audience base. Depending on your business, you may need to find your audience on social media sites like LinkedIn. On LinkedIn you have the opportunity to make thousands of connections that translates into millions of readers.
In my strategy, I need to reach as many readers as possible. So, I will use this blog to communicate my message to the world wide web. When this content is searched, it will be available to my readers. Blogs are the highest searched since they have the freshest content. That really means that new content needs to be placed on the blog at regular intervals. Next, I have tools built into my blog that will post my blog post to social media sites like LinkedIn, facebook and Twitter. In most cases the content goes automatically to the social media sites, if not, I can use a “like” or “post” button to send the content to the social media site.
As I begin to build my connections, followers or friends on the social media sites, my reader base begins to gain size. My audience expands. I welcome as many connections on LinkedIn as I can so that I can help them to build their personal marketing strategy. And become successful using social media sites.
Visit http://prof-in-constr-ind-network.com and sign up for your business blog and communicate with your readers your products or service.

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